Our Initiatives
Michigan Energy Efficiency for All seeks to work across housing, energy and health sectors, with public and private concerns alike to improve energy efficiency in affordable multifamily and reduce energy waste on the whole.
Our work funnels into the major categories listed to the right.
Health and Energy Efficiency Nexus
The shared and overlapping interests of the health, energy, and housing sectors is fertile ground for improving the daily quality of life and health of people living in affordable multifamily housing. MEEFA is engaging with partners new and old to holistically account for the non-energy benefits of energy efficiency improvements, examine how to increase funding for both health and energy measures, and explore opportunities for collaborative work.
City Impact the newest standing topic team focused on cities as both important change agents, as they innovate with program design, and allies in advocating for better fitting funding and program design in state and utility run energy efficiency programs.
Previous to establishing City Impact as a standing topic team, actions relating to cities were raised and handled by the MEEFA steering committee on the whole as opportunity dependent initiatives.
As city-specific opportunities have grown – such as Mayors across Michigan signing-on and supporting global climate goals – and cities themselves have changed – such as the creation of Detroit’s Office of Sustainability and renewed city-wide action overall on multifamily rental properties.